
How to legally hijack free traffic to your website?

An effortless way you can hijack traffic and spy on other blogs or website in your niche or industry is straightforward formula below.

I have created the instructional video below, and step by step process from the inspiration l had via the Quora Question and Answer community, please see links to this along with the how to hijack traffic video l created and uploaded to Youtube legally.

  1. Go and get Whatruns chrome extension now, it is an excellent little app, do not underestimate its magic and power before you download it.
  2. Now that you have downloaded and installed this remarkable chrome extension go ahead now to a website that attracts your style and flavour, i.e. this can be a mentor, coach or any guru you admire.
  3. Now you are on the website that you would love to gain insight from, click on the Whatruns icon in your Chrome browser at the top right-hand side, you will discover the highly valuable information will open in a window.
  4. Go through all this information you have learned from your legal entry to what they have running on their website. You will discover the fantastic scripts, themes and plugins they have running, this can be WordPress related or not.
  5. This insight will help you to personally create a road map formula that you’ll be able to use to attract and gain traffic to your website by just taking the formula you have mapped out from the chosen plugins, theme, widgets and scripts. You feel will benefit your site from this discovery you have found from spying, you will be able to split test and syphon website traffic to your blog or website.
  6. Do not clone or copy the website you want to gain traffic and community from, but by all means, take the insight and package it to suit your unique core values on your site.
  7. Important have fun split testing and tweaking from your new found discovery; this will most certainly help you gain attraction traffic that you can build a community and relationship together by adding your unique value. 

Resources and Tools Links

  1. Get the Whatruns chrome extension this is the tool and app that l share in the video and the step by step instructions.

    2.  Quora is a great platform community to build an engaged and targeted audience around your core values and passions along with learning from others in the community who give great educational answers to any subject you can image about.  Click here to see and join if you have not already.

3. Direct link to the video that I created that will instruct you how to use the Whatruns Chrome extension so you can spy and gain traffic insights for hijacking possibility.

How are you going to use the Whatruns Chrome extension? How helpful is this to you? What ways have you used to hijack traffic sources? How effective has hijacking been for you?



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