How To Create Your Own Free Valuable Podcast In 10 Steps Course
In the above video “How to setup Podcast Cover Art in Whooshkaa Podcast Hosting – Step 6” you will learn how to upload and apply the podcast cover art you created in Canva into your Whooshkaa podcast show platform.
Below you will find text TRANSCRIPTION ONLY of the video “How to setup Podcast Cover Art in Whooshkaa Podcast Hosting – Step 6”
Okay, now we’re back at Whooshkaa. You’ve got all your information typed in, as we
Down below or so you’ll find a link to That link will take you ahead. And with my business partners, they take you to step by step through understanding through getting precise, hardly around your cash flow. If that’s also something you’ve been struggling with, as soon as you’re struggling with your branding, and connecting everything together, they will take you through that most important element. And from there, we can help serve you in getting clarity around your branding. But first, most of all is really important to get clarity around predictable cash flow for your business. And you will go ahead get the valuable information from my business partners. Watch the videos, and then you’ll get a download one page PDF that will take you through very easy and simple how to start getting predictable cash flow with your business. And then you can gain more clarity and we look forward to serving and helping you further. So back to this for now. We’re going to upload that image. So we’re going to go to my desktop because I’ve got it on the desktop, we’re going to look for the work for Rechargelife. So I podcast. This is a podcast I have with my beloved wife. And this is the image. And that will do. We’re happy with that image.
And we’re going to upload sorry, that’s already uploaded now, one to market from wherever you were in a file on your desktop, or wherever this you have that file. And you can see it there, it’s very clear. And if you’re happy with your image, your cover art, you go ahead and create k successfully created our show. So you’ll see here now that we’ve created a show, once you click on this, go back to show you my show, you know, so you can see. And you can always also do it from the left-hand tab, and go click on shows and episodes. And to get an overview, you can click on that and brings an overview of the podcast. So we’ve already created our communication, you could call it your communication, radio, or your communication to the desirable then go ahead and communicate with your satellite, which happens to be Apple Podcast Network. Basically keeping it nice and simple. And you’ll see that your podcasts images there, and about your pod podcast description. And here is the unique RSS is feed. Now basically the RSS feed is
CLICK here for next –>>> Video 7 – How to Create First Podcast Episode – Step 7